Samhain - POLICY NODIRECTORY explained

This was a tricky one. I kept getting alerts for:

CRIT   :  [2012-07-09T23:40:34+1000] msg=<POLICY NODIRECTORY>, path=</var/log>
-----END MESSAGE-----

And for the life of me wasn’t sure why but after reading the source code the cause is explained:

{ MSG_FI_NODIR, N_("File found where directory was expected"), IDMEF_IMPACT_TYPE_FILE },

And you know what it was correct! /var/log was a softlink to /data/logs!

Download ncat Win32 (precompiled)

December 2012 Update: A newer precompiled version is available here:

So I was having a hunt around for the modified version of Netcat which is called Ncat developed by the lovely people who wrote the infamous port scanner Nmap. I needed the Win32 binaries for it and after a brief internet trowel it couldn’t be found. So I downloaded the source and compiled it and made it presentable for download for everyone else.
Ncat-5.21 Packed with UPX Packer
Ncat-5.21 without UPX Packer
Happy Ncatting :-)

Howto Setup Multi threaded John the Ripper

This article has an updated version -> Here

Today at work a client he needed to access a cisco router but no-one new the password but we had the config files saved which included the MD5 hashes of the enable and enable secret passwords. So I set about cracking the hashes, which was done successfully btw, following on from that I then remembered a John the Ripper MPI patch which I had seen some time ago I ended getting it going at home and the results are good!

Directions for installation are as follows (on Fedora 11)

yum install mpich2 mpich2-devel
tar -zxvf john-1.7.2-bp17-mpi8.tar.gz
cd john-1.7.2-bp17/src
make linux-x86-64 (for 64bit version duh!)
cd ../run
touch ~/.mpd.conf && echo "MPD_SECRETWORD=secret" > ~/.mpd.conf && chmod 600 ~/.mpd.conf
mpd & -n 4 -path ./ -wdir ./ ./john --test

Initial Benchmarking looks good. Below is 1 core vs 4 cores

Traditional DES [128/128 BS SSE2-16]
1591K c/s real, 1594K c/s virtual / 6131K c/s real, 6380K c/s virtual
BSDI DES (x725) [128/128 BS SSE2-16]
Many salts: 53222 c/s real, 53329 c/s virtual / Many salts: 207665 c/s real, 215407 c/s virtual
FreeBSD MD5 [32/64 X2]
Raw: 9718 c/s real, 9816 c/s virtual / Raw: 37720 c/s real, 39581 c/s virtual
mysql [mysql]
Raw: 2571K c/s real, 2571K c/s virtual / Raw: 9397K c/s real, 10254K c/s virtual

About a 100% increase per core! Life is good!