Boot USB Drive in QEMU under Windows

Hooray! I did it!
I have managed to boot my bootable usb pendrive (BackTrack 3) under QEMU within Windows XP.

For those of you who want the magic one liner here you are:

qemu.exe -L . -m 512 -std-vga -hda \.PhysicalDrive2 -soundhw all -localtime -M pc -kernel ../../boot/vmlinuz -initrd ../../boot/initrd.gz -append "root=/dev/ram0 rw initrd=../../boot/initrd.gz ramdisk_size=6666 vga=0x317"

* This gives you TextMode with 512 MB Ram and Mouse Support!!
* You will need to change PhysicalDrive2 to what ever drive number your USB key is. (Hint look under the DiskManagment snap-in)
* You require administrative rights also
* My Qemu directory lives under USBDriveLetterBT3QEMU FYI
* QEMU Version Win32 PreCompiled 0.9.1

Hopefully this saves you a few hours