Fast Hash Cracking Software

It seems that John the Ripper (JtR) has been out done with some of the latest hashing cracking software in the business! Hashcat and oclHashcat ( is forging ahead with over 33 and 13 hash types respectivley which are able to be cracked. Did I mention oclHashcat uses the GPU of CUDA based video cards for seriously parallel processing? Well it does.

Howto Setup Multi threaded John the Ripper

This article has an updated version -> Here

Today at work a client he needed to access a cisco router but no-one new the password but we had the config files saved which included the MD5 hashes of the enable and enable secret passwords. So I set about cracking the hashes, which was done successfully btw, following on from that I then remembered a John the Ripper MPI patch which I had seen some time ago I ended getting it going at home and the results are good!

Directions for installation are as follows (on Fedora 11)

yum install mpich2 mpich2-devel
tar -zxvf john-1.7.2-bp17-mpi8.tar.gz
cd john-1.7.2-bp17/src
make linux-x86-64 (for 64bit version duh!)
cd ../run
touch ~/.mpd.conf && echo "MPD_SECRETWORD=secret" > ~/.mpd.conf && chmod 600 ~/.mpd.conf
mpd & -n 4 -path ./ -wdir ./ ./john --test

Initial Benchmarking looks good. Below is 1 core vs 4 cores

Traditional DES [128/128 BS SSE2-16]
1591K c/s real, 1594K c/s virtual / 6131K c/s real, 6380K c/s virtual
BSDI DES (x725) [128/128 BS SSE2-16]
Many salts: 53222 c/s real, 53329 c/s virtual / Many salts: 207665 c/s real, 215407 c/s virtual
FreeBSD MD5 [32/64 X2]
Raw: 9718 c/s real, 9816 c/s virtual / Raw: 37720 c/s real, 39581 c/s virtual
mysql [mysql]
Raw: 2571K c/s real, 2571K c/s virtual / Raw: 9397K c/s real, 10254K c/s virtual

About a 100% increase per core! Life is good!

RSDF Files – How to Decrypt / Crack

Recently I came across a new file format called RSDF, these appear to be txt files which have a bunch of links in them, so called link containers. I wanted to access the URLS in these files, but I didnt really want to entrust my computer to just “any” application. So after a bit of searching I came across this crafty german website from there I got the python script to decrypt the RSDF files, this Python script requires:

Python (doh!!)
Probably something else also…..

from their its as simple as: rsdfcontainer.rsdf
and it outputs to your screen! So without further ado here it is:

    #!/usr/bin/env python

    import binascii
    import base64
    from Crypto.Cipher import AES
    import sys

    # 8C 35 19 2D 96 4D C3 18 2C 6F 84 F3 25 22 39 EB 4A 32 0D 25

    file = sys.argv[1]

    file = file.replace(".ccf", ".rsdf")
    f = open(file, "r")
    data =

    f = open(file, "w")

    infile = sys.argv[1]
    Key = binascii.unhexlify('8C35192D964DC3182C6F84F3252239EB4A320D2500000000')

    IV_Cipher =,AES.MODE_ECB)
    IV = IV_Cipher.encrypt(IV)

    obj =,AES.MODE_CFB,IV)

    rsdf = open(infile,'r')

    data =
    data = binascii.unhexlify(''.join(data.split()))
    data = data.splitlines()

    for link in data:
    link = base64.b64decode(link)
    link = obj.decrypt(link)
    print link.replace('CCF: ','')


Happy Downloading!

Boot USB Drive in QEMU under Windows

Hooray! I did it!
I have managed to boot my bootable usb pendrive (BackTrack 3) under QEMU within Windows XP.

For those of you who want the magic one liner here you are:

qemu.exe -L . -m 512 -std-vga -hda \.PhysicalDrive2 -soundhw all -localtime -M pc -kernel ../../boot/vmlinuz -initrd ../../boot/initrd.gz -append "root=/dev/ram0 rw initrd=../../boot/initrd.gz ramdisk_size=6666 vga=0x317"

* This gives you TextMode with 512 MB Ram and Mouse Support!!
* You will need to change PhysicalDrive2 to what ever drive number your USB key is. (Hint look under the DiskManagment snap-in)
* You require administrative rights also
* My Qemu directory lives under USBDriveLetterBT3QEMU FYI
* QEMU Version Win32 PreCompiled 0.9.1

Hopefully this saves you a few hours

Locked down Terminal Server need command prompt

Part of works server migration has meant that we are working on a new Terminal Server. I liked the old one better because:

It had a run command
I could view the system drives
I could type H: in the address bar and it worked!
It had command prompt access!
No firefox installed (Hardened IE installed! OMG WTF!)

And the list goes on….. What I find mose stupid is a work for an IT company and they lock the shit down which make us less productive!!

Anyway I got bored and hacked up a batch file that acts as a command prompt, now pretty much every Terminal Server will allow notepad access, so copy and paste this a save a .bat

ECHO Please type your command:
set /p command=

As for the Firefox issue, get your bum down to and download portable firefox and install it in your home directory ;-)

Happy pinging (or what ever you do)