Adobe Reader X (10.1.4) offline installer link

Here is the Windows XP (SP3) and Windows 7 offline installer for Adobe Reader X (10.1.4): … dbeRdr1014_en_US.exe

Grant FullAccess to regular Active Directory user in Exchange 2010

In Exchange 2010 I needed to add a non mail-enabled user to use a shared mailbox. (Although technically it wasn’t a shared mailbox but a users mailbox in Exchange terminology) Add when I tried to grant the user Full Access Permissions I could only see Mail-Enabled users.

This required me to use the Powershell Command:

 Add-MailBoxPermission -User:'CN=Full Name,OU=Users,OU=City,DC=localdomain,DC=com -AccessRights FullAccess 

What is interesting is that after performing the above, other non-mail enabled users could be added via the GUI afterwards….

Crack SHA512crypt ($6$) with John the Ripper with Native OpenMPI multi-threading

JtR now natively supports multi-threading through the OpenMPI interface. All the code is right there in the jumbo version of JtR all you need to do is install OpenMPI and un comment the lines of code in the makefile. Now you can crack SHA512crypt passwords with all cores.

Alright lets get started:

yum install openmpi
tar -zxvf john-1.7.9-jumbo-6.tar.gz
cd john-1.7.9-jumbo-6/src

Now we need to edit Makefile and uncomment the ‘OpenMP’ lines.

vi Makefile

and uncomment the following line as per below:

# gcc with OpenMP
#OMPFLAGS = -fopenmp
OMPFLAGS = -fopenmp -msse2
# Sun Studio with OpenMP (set the OMP_NUM_THREADS env var at runtime)
#OMPFLAGS = -xopenmp
# icc with OpenMP (for make target linux-x86-64-icc)
#ICCOMPFLAGS = -openmp

now compile and run as per normal noticing that you now have 100% cpu usage!

Delete certain messages from Postfix Queue

Ever had some alerting software spam your production mail queue with 1000’s of alerts?
And you dont want to delete every message individually…

Here is the solution to delete all messages destined for

mailq | tail -n +2 | grep -v '^ *(' | 
gawk 'BEGIN {RS = ""} / {print $1}' | 
tr -d '*!' | postsuper -d - 

Thanks to for that one!

Samhain - POLICY NODIRECTORY explained

This was a tricky one. I kept getting alerts for:

CRIT   :  [2012-07-09T23:40:34+1000] msg=<POLICY NODIRECTORY>, path=</var/log>
-----END MESSAGE-----

And for the life of me wasn’t sure why but after reading the source code the cause is explained:

{ MSG_FI_NODIR, N_("File found where directory was expected"), IDMEF_IMPACT_TYPE_FILE },

And you know what it was correct! /var/log was a softlink to /data/logs!